How does the "Employer Activity" section under "Matches and reports" work?
When you advertise job postings on Job Bank, you are automatically matched with job seekers who have work experience, skills or education similar to your jobs’ requirements. These match results are listed in different sections under "Matches and reports". Here’s how the "Employer Activity" section works:
Employer Activity
This section tracks each action performed by all users having access to the employer file and consists of 3 tables:
1. Profiles viewed
Employers can view matching profiles by clicking on the "Comparison chart" located at the left of each match. The results in the table are tracked at the time of action. If any changes happen, the results will not be retroactively updated.
As an example, if an employer views a 3 star match and, a few days later, the job seeker’s profile is updated and becomes a 4 star match, the table will still show the profile viewed in the 3 star row. This is because the profile was a 3 star match at the time it was viewed by the employer.
2. Invitations to apply sent
Employers can invite jobs seekers to apply by clicking on "Invite to apply" at the bottom of the "Comparison chart". The results in the table are tracked based on when the invitation was sent. They are not based on when the match was created.
In addition, if an employer invites a job seeker to apply based on a 3 star match and, a few days after, the job seeker’s profile is updated and becomes a 4 star match, the table will still indicate that the invitation was sent to a 3 star match. This is because the job seeker was invited when being a 3 star match.
3. Profiles rejected
Employers can reject a match by clicking on "Reject profile" at the bottom of the "Comparison chart" if they decide the job seeker’s profile is not suitable for the job. The results in the table are tracked at the time of action. If changes happen, the results will not be retroactively updated.
As an example, if an employer rejects a 3 star match and, a few days after, the job seeker’s profile is updated and becomes a 4 star match, the table will still reflect the rejection of a 3 star match. This is because the results are based on the status of the match at the time of rejection.
Note: If you reject a job seeker profile, you will no longer be able to view it or invite the candidate to apply. This action is irreversible.
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