Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofbiology teacher, high school (NOC 41220).
Cape Breton University has cancelled a new 8-month online bachelor of education program that was scheduled to start in January 2025 as a result of delayed approvals by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission and conditions that made it impossible to be ready in January. A 12-month program could start in May.
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-12-13
Cape Breton Region, NS
The Centre de services scolaire de l’Estuaire, which oversees several schools in Côte-Nord, is currently recruiting to fill positions in all areas
The Centre de services scolaire de Laval is investing $48M in adding a second building to the Jean-Piaget school, which is for students aged 12 to 21 with disabilities
Timmins Learning Centre Inc. received $135K from the provincial government to hire staff to support child and adult learning programs in Timmins
- Job creation
Other services (except public administration)
Added on 2024-11-27
Northeast Region, ON
The N.B. Teachers' Association says the province needs to address recruitment and retention of teachers in the province and wants to see the number of education seats increased. It is projected that 1,200 teachers will retire over the next four years.
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-12-03
New Brunswick
The Conference Board of Canada forecasts a positive labour market outlook in the Yukon from 2024-2045. Over the next 20 years, the territory’s workforce is forecasted to grow by 10%, with 14% employment growth in non-commercial services and 11% in commercial services. Demand for workers is projected to be high in health, education, and service sectors.
- Other type of event
Added on 2024-11-15
Yukon Territory, YT