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The Municipalité de Saint-Athanase is receiving nearly $4M from the Government of Quebec to build its new community centre. The funding is allocated through the Programme d’amélioration et de construction d’infrastructures municipales. The project is scheduled to be complete in July 2025.
The Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable is allocating $3.9M to Gestion AJ 2003, a contractor from Rimouski, to rehabilitate Route 298 in Saint-Donat. The $5M project, which should be complete in November, employs around 10 people.
The Ville de Rimouski awarded a contract valued at over $3.4M to Construction Technipro BSL, a local construction company, to renovate two hangars at the Paul-Émile Lapointe airport terminal. The project is scheduled to be complete in February 2025.
- Other type of event
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-06-19
Bas-Saint-Laurent Region, QC
- Available in French only
The Ville de Rivière-du-Loup received more than $6.3M from the Government of Quebec through the Programme d’infrastructures municipales d’eau for the renewal and extension of its water pipes
The Corporation de développement de Lac-des-Aigles invested $4.5M, including $1.8M from Quebec and $1.7M from the Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec, to convert Église Saint-Isidore into an interpretation centre on salmon and aquatic environments
The Ville de Rimouski is receiving nearly $15M in provincial funding from the Government of Quebec to combat coastal erosion. The project will be ongoing until March 2027.