Available jobs
We found 3 chairman/woman - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations jobs near Winnipeg (MB) on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations (NOC 00013).
Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofchairman/woman - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations (NOC 00013).
Some Winnipeg charities are facing increasing demand, but donations haven’t kept pace. A food bank that fed 250-350 people per day prior to the pandemic is now serving nearly 1,000. The Salvation Army’s thrift stores in the city report that sales exceed donations by about 13%.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-06-19
Winnipeg Region, MB
- globalnews.ca