Available jobs
Sorry, we didn’t find any chairman/woman - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations jobs in the Yorkton–Melville Region on Job Bank. You can see where the jobs are for all Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations (NOC 00013) elsewhere in Canada, or search for another occupation.
Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofrecreation vehicle technician (NOC 72423).
Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre is partnering with the Saskatchewan Automobile Dealers Association and the Saskatchewan Association of Autobody Repairers over two years to provide work placements for high school students. Students taking online Mechanical and Automotive courses may be eligible for a placement.
- Other type of event
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-09-19
- saskatchewan.ca
The Saskatchewan government is providing $1.92M to Trades and Skills Centres in Regina and Saskatoon. The funding will support short-term skills programs leading to entry-level jobs in high-demand trades.
- Job creation
Added on 2024-08-27
Saskatoon–Biggar Region, SK
- saskatchewan.ca