Jobs Attendant, Theatre in Nova Scotia

Available jobs

We found 3 attendant, theatre jobs in Nova Scotia on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Other service support occupations, n.e.c. (NOC 65329).


Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofpouch line operator - food processing (NOC 94140).

Bee Maid Honey Ltd. recently opened a $25M production facility in Winnipeg, nearly double the size of its former plant. The company is hiring another 7-8 people for a total local staff of about 40. Bee Maid’s two plants in Manitoba and Alberta process about 30% of Canada’s honey.

Bee Maid Honey Ltd. is expanding operations with a new, $25M filtration facility and store in St. Boniface. Bee Maid is a cooperative of over 300 beekeepers in Western Canada, and intakes approximately 30 per cent of Canada’s honey. The new hub will be twice the size of Bee Maid’s current facility.

Labour Market Information Survey
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