Jobs Concrete Form Builders Foreman/woman - Carpentry in Nova Scotia

Available jobs

We found 2 concrete form builders foreman/woman - carpentry jobs in Nova Scotia on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades (NOC 72013).


Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofconcrete form builders foreman/woman - carpentry (NOC 72013).

The Municipality of Yarmouth announced that the expansion of the Mariners Centre has begun. The centre is in high demand for sports and other events and will be able to host more events once the space has been built. The construction tender was awarded to RCS Construction Inc., and the expansion should be completed by the fall of 2026 at the latest.

The Irving shipyard in Halifax has been contracted to build 15 navy warships for the Royal Canadian Navy at a cost of $56-60B. The construction will happen over 25 years and create and maintain about 10,000 jobs during that period and generate over $40B for Canada’s gross domestic product.

  • Job creation
  • Manufacturing
  • Added on 2024-06-28
  • Halifax Region, NS
Labour Market Information Survey
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