Providence Care, in partnership with Queen’s University, opened the Centre for Psychedelics Health and Research at the Providence Care Hospital in Kingston
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-08-07
Kingston–Pembroke Region, ON
The City of Kingston hired eight family physicians to reduce the waitlist for people seeking family doctors
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-05-31
Kingston–Pembroke Region, ON
East End Health Home, DK Health Home, and Greater Napanee Health Home are expanding in the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington area to help up to 9,000 residents in Eastern Ontario get access to family doctors and primary care
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-04-05
Kingston–Pembroke Region, ON
Leeward House, a transitional housing facility, opened in Prince Edward County, supporting nine individuals transitioning from homelessness to stable living arrangements
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-04-04
Kingston–Pembroke Region, ON